Face Lift

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How can a Facelift help you?

If you’re concerned about the signs of aging on the lower two-thirds of your face, you might be a good candidate. Facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess skin tissues and fat deposits from the lower two-thirds of the face to reverse the signs of aging. The cosmetic surgeon makes strategic incisions around the face to remove excess skin tissues, making your facial skin look smooth and refreshed. A successful facelift can take 10 to 15 years off your face.

woman after facelift in glendale

How a facelift reverses the signs of aging:

  • Facelift reduces large facial creases and folds
  • Facelift reduces nasolabial folds and marionette lines
  • Facelift reduces facial sagging and skin laxity
  • Facelift reduces facial wrinkles and fine lines
  • Facelift helps you achieve a chiseled jawline
  • Facelift provides an elegant face and neck contour
  • Facelift revitalizes your eyes
  • Facelift makes your face look more youthful
  • Facelift takes a decade or more off your face

You are the ideal candidate for a facelift if:

  • You have unwanted facial wrinkles and creases
  • You have minimal to moderate skin laxity in the neck and jowls
  • You want to reverse the signs of aging on your face
  • You are in generally good physical health
  • You have realistic expectations from the procedure
  • You are a nonsmoker or willing to stop smoking before and after the procedure

To see if you’re a good candidate for a facelift in Glendale, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

woman after facelift in glendale

What happens during a facelift?

Brand Surgical Institute performs a highly personalized facelift after a thorough evaluation. The cosmetic surgeon will examine your facial skin and anatomy, discuss your goals and concerns, review your medical history, and curate a personalized surgical plan. The treatment plan, including the location and size of the incisions and the number of tissue layers affected, will depend on your unique condition. Below, we describe some of the types of facelifts.

Cutaneous Facelift

The cutaneous facelift, also known as a skin-only facelift, is the least invasive version of the facelift. The surgeon makes extremely small incisions on the hairline and behind the ears, i.e., regions where the incisions can’t be seen. The surgeon trims away excess skin tissues without adjusting the underlying muscles. The skin-only facelift produces subtle results and minimal downtime.

Mini Facelift

The mini facelift is a less invasive version of the facelift, suitable for individuals who want to reverse the signs of aging without weeks of downtime. The surgeon makes a small incision behind the ears to trim away excess skin tissues and fat deposits. This procedure reduces the prominence of facial wrinkles and jowls on the lower face. You can resume most of your daily activities a few days after your mini facelift in Glendale.

SMAS Facelift

The SMAS facelift, also known as a traditional facelift, is a dramatic procedure that produces long-lasting results. This procedure involves making an incision along the hairline from the temple to the region behind the ears. After lifting the skin tissues, the surgeon trims away excess skin and manipulates the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) underneath, making your facial skin look smooth and youthful.

Deep Plane Facelift

The deep plane facelift is the most complex version of a facelift, suitable for individuals with severe facial sagging and creases. This procedure involves making incisions around the hairline and behind the ears, following which excess skin tissues are trimmed away. In addition to tightening the underlying superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS), the surgeon also works on the “deep plane,” providing even more dramatic results.

woman after facelift in glendale

What is recovery like after a facelift?

Your specific recovery journey will depend on several factors, including your lifestyle and the type of facelift you undergo. The cutaneous and mini facelift procedures involve downtime of 2 to 3 days, but some of the more invasive facelifts may involve several weeks of downtime. Your face will also look swollen and bruised for a few days, but the side effects will gradually dissipate. Most patients can resume most physical activities and exercise after about 6 weeks after your procedure.

Schedule a consultation for a facelift

Brand Surgical Institute is the leading outpatient surgical facility dedicated to a comprehensive suite of surgical procedures in Glendale. Our board-certified plastic surgeons believe in curating highly personalized surgical plans that conform to your specific expectations and goals. They examine your facial anatomy, discuss your goals, and curate a personalized treatment plan, ensuring safe, consistent, and naturalized results. Please schedule an appointment to explore your facelift options in Glendale, CA.

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